The 2003 Perl Advent Calendar
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On the 21st day of Advent my True Language brought to me..

People often get so hung up about the computer languages that they use rather than picking the right tool for the job. Java, for example, is a language that lots of Perl people dislike, but when you look at it it's got some nice features. For example, Java's got a nice GUI system. I often find myself programming in Perl and wishing I could just use Java GUI for a bit.

People hate Java for the nice bits of it's languages however (since it belittles their efforts to do the same thing in Perl and draws away developers from their language of choice.) Even more than this they hate the missing features from Java, the things that Perl does well. This is no-one's fault; Both languages have their own advantages and disadvantages (if they didn't then we'd all be using one and not the other)

What would be nice would be to be able to combine the two languages and call each other virtually transparently as if you were just calling anything else in the native language. Then we really could use whatever tool was best for the Job.

Inline::Java gets us a lot of the way there. Read on to find out how we can seamlessly call one language from another.

Inline::Java is a Inline module to allow you to work with Java from within Perl. Like all Inline modules it allows you to declare part of your program code in another language - in this case Java - and handles the nitty-gritty of recompiling the code with that lanauge's own compiler when and as needed, and handing the communication layer so that both lanagues can call each other without making it too obvious on each side that what you're calling isn't actually handled nativly in the original language.

Installing Inline Java

Installing Inline::Java isn't that hard, though not a simple as following the traditional four stage program that other modules use. Since the installation routine isn't standard, you can't use CPAN or CPANPLUS to install the module, you'll have to do it by hand. First, you should install Inline with your shell. Then you should download Inline::Java and uncompressing it:

  servalan:~ mark$ sudo cpanp
  CPAN Terminal> install Inline
  CPAN Terminal> d Inline::Java
  CPAN Terminal> q
  servalan:~ mark$ gunzip Inline-Java-0.44.tar.gz
  servalan:~ mark$ tar -xvf Inline-Java-0.44.tar
  servalan:~ mark$ cd Inline-Java-0.44

(You can do the same thing in the CPAN shell by typing install Java to install Inline and then look Inline::Java to download and decompress Inline::Java)

One you've decompressed the package contents, need to run the Makefile.PL script that will write the makefile and make the code. You need to pass to it, via the J2SDK variable, the exact path to your copy of the JDK. For example, if your JDK is install in /home/mark/jdk1.4.1 then you need to run:

 bash$ perl Makefile.PL J2SDK=/home/mark

Back on Mac OS X, the bits of the JDK that are needed are installed by default directly into /usr meaning I do:

 servalan:~Inline-Java-0.44 mark$ perl Makefile.PL J2SDK=/usr

The Makefile.PL script then asks you if you want to use the JNI extension or not. Using the JNI extensions means that your perl executable is embedded directly into the Java Virtual machine (or vice versa, depending on how you look at it.) If you answer no to this question then a separate Java process will be started by perl, and the perl and Java process will start up and talk to each other over sockets. The two have different advantages and disadvantages, with the former being quicker, but the latter being better at startup time with multiple scripts (i.e. in a CGI environment) and capable of calling back to Perl across multiple Java threads.

I chose 'no' as that means all me examples below work.

The next step in installing is to compile the Java source code that shipped with the module. To do this you simply type make java

 servalan:~/Inline-Java-0.44 mark$ make java

After this it's just the normal build process

 servalan:~/Inline-Java-0.44 mark$ make
 servalan:~/Inline-Java-0.44 mark$ make test
 servalan:~/Inline-Java-0.44 mark$ sudo make install

A simple Inline::Java example

The easiest way to get to grips with Inline::Java is to go though a simple script bit by bit. We start it off as we always start off any script:

  # turn on perl's safety features.
  use strict;
  use warnings;

Then things suddenly change:

  # there's java code down in data
  use Inline Java => "DATA";

This means that the Java code is located in the __DATA__ section of the code. The first time the code is run the script will create a _Inline directory in the same directory containing the compiled version of the script. This compiled copy is used and reused until changes are made to the Java section of the script, in which case the next time the script is called the compiled cache will be recompiled.

Anyway we can now create objects:

  # create a triangle object
  my $triangle = RightAngledTriangle->new(3,4);
  print "The hypotenuse is " . $triangle->get_hypotenuse . "\n";

Wait! Though this looks like RightAngledTriangle is a normal Perl class, but it isn't - it's actually a Java class defined below in the __DATA__ section.

  import java.lang.Math;
  public class RightAngledTriangle
    double aj;
    double op;
    // the constructor (i.e. 'new')
    public RightAngledTriangle(double aj, double op)
      this.aj = aj;
      this.op = op;
    public double get_adjacent()
      return aj;
    public double get_opposite()
      return op;
    public double get_hypotenuse()
      return Math.sqrt(
        Math.pow(aj,2) +

Note how we call this class transparently from Perl and it all works, including the converting of numbers from doubles to Perl scalars and back again.

A GUI Example

This is all very well, but this still a long way from the discussion about taking advantage of, say, the Java GUI that I mentioned all the way back in the synopsis. Let's create a working example of this. We'll create a window with a button in it

That whenever we click on it will print out from within Perl

  Button Pressed (from perl)

Calling back to Perl from Java is handled by the class. Only objects of this class can call back to Perl via the CallPerl method, and these objects can only be created from the original thread that Perl started. This, combined with an event loop you start from Perl to listen for events, ensures that the correct Java threads are talking to the correct Perl threads (otherwise it all gets really confusing and your code breaks in interesting ways)

  # turn on perl's safety features
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  # there's java code down in data
  use Inline Java => "DATA";
  # create the object, which causes the object
  # to be displayed.
  my $greeter = MyButton->new();
  # enter the runloop meaning we're essentially
  # handing control to Java and we're waiting for callbacks
  $greeter->StartCallbackLoop() ;
  # quit.  If we got this far then we're done.
  # a simple subroutine that's called from Java whenever
  # the button is pressed.  This could be as complicated as
  # we like, but for now just print out a nice message
  sub button_pressed
    print "Button Pressed (from perl)\n"
  import java.util.*;
  import javax.swing.*;
  import java.awt.event.*;
  // create a class that is a InlineJavaPerlCaller.  This provides
  // some important methods, most notably the CallPerl method
  // that's used to call perl code from within java and the
  // StartCallbackLoop method that's used to hand control over 
  // also make it an ActionListener, meaning that it supports
  // the actionPerformed method that will be called by objects
  // that it's 'listing to' - i.e. the method that will be 
  // called whenever someone presses the button
  public class MyButton extends    InlineJavaPerlCaller
                        implements ActionListener 
    // the constructor (i.e. 'new')
    public MyButton() throws InlineJavaException
      // create frame (a new window)
      JFrame frame = new JFrame("MyButton");
      // create button and add it to the frame
      JButton button = new JButton("Click Me!");
      // tell the button that when it's clicked, report it to
      // this class (via the actionPerfomed method)
      // all done, everything added, just tell the frame to show itself;
    // this method will called whenever the action is triggered (i.e.
    // whenever the button is clicked)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        // call &main::button_pressed subroutine in Perl
        CallPerl("main", "button_pressed", new Object [] {});
      // check for errors and handle them by printing debug info
      catch (InlineJavaPerlException pe)  { pe.printStackTrace(); }
      catch (InlineJavaException pe)      { pe.printStackTrace(); }

  • Inline Java's webpage
  • The Inline Mailing List